Setup the StreamioHD IPTV App – Android Device

The install for the StreamioHD IPTV App on Android is simple!

  1. Visit in your phone’s browser.
  2. Alternatively, you can visit if the above does not work.
  3. Allow the file to download, then navigate to your browser’s downloads folder and tap on the “StreamioHDIPTV.apk”
  4. You may encounter the message below, click Settings:
  5. Tap the slider by your browser (Chrome shown) to allow Streamio to install:
  6. If not prompted to go ahead and install StreamioHD IPTV, navigate back to your browser’s downloads and tap the “StreamioHDIPTV.apk” again.
  7. Tap Install/Update
  8. Top Open and enter the credentials provided in your Welcome email.